Black Sword and Fragments [Vol. 1: Unforeseen Conspiracy]

Black Sword and Fragments [Vol. 1: Unforeseen Conspiracy] Novel PDF Free Hot Chapters Read Online

Black Sword and Fragments [Vol. 1: Unforeseen Conspiracy] novel is a romance book, published in meganovel. The fascinating part of Black Sword and Fragments [Vol. 1: Unforeseen Conspiracy] novel lies in its rich description and exciting plot. The author truly and vividly presented every scene, making me feel like an immersive situation. Black Sword and Fragments [Vol. 1: Unforeseen Conspiracy] novel are suitable for any reader who likes deep stories.

Overview of Black Sword and Fragments [Vol. 1: Unforeseen Conspiracy] Novel

Due to his crippled magicule vein, the defected body of Allastor Frauzz needed to consume more magicules compared to the normal rankers. Because of this disability, he also performs almost three times the usual training of a typical ranker.

Having said that, despite his fatigue from the intense training, he didn’t expect that his progress to level up would remain slow. He had already made up his mind that night. He would just accept that he wasn’t meant to be one of those rankers sitting on top of the food chain. he was not hoping to travel all the continents in Illunor anymore. However, on the same night when he wasn’t home, an unknown notorious criminal murders his family.

His dream to become strong has been crushed because of his defected body, and now, his family has been taken away from him. On how many tiers can his bad luck reach? His heart has been shattered and turned into ice-cold that night. Finally snapping from the nightmare, he is now walking for merciless revenge.


Black Sword and Fragments[Vol. 1: Unforeseen Conspiracy]
Book cover–Illustrated by: MarxMade

Where to Read Black Sword and Fragments [Vol. 1: Unforeseen Conspiracy] Novel PDF Hot Chapters Online

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