Love Like You Never Loved Before Novel (Yvonne and Christopher)

I had never once thought that I would one day be hooking up with someone. As a conservative woman, I dated my husband for two years before finally losing my virginity to him on the night of our wedding. Am I really doing this?!

Love Like You Never Loved Before Novel Chapter 8 Free Online (Yvonne and Christopher Novel)

A warm, fluffy blanket was draped over me. The next moment, I felt a soft kiss on my cheek. Afterward, I could hear him shuffling around the room, eventually realizing that he was cleaning up the mess we had made. My heart clenched inside my chest with a strange, foreign emotion that I couldn’t place …

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Love Like You Never Loved Before Novel Chapter 7 Free Online (Yvonne and Christopher Novel)

When I had finally awoken from my feverish daze, I was completely naked and pinned to the couch. Christopher’s shirt was nowhere to be seen, and the sight of his firm torso above me took my breath away once more. “Christopher…” He hummed slightly, lifting his gaze to meet mine. “What’s wrong? Does it hurt?” …

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Love Like You Never Loved Before Novel Chapter 6 Free Online (Yvonne and Christopher Novel)

In a playful mood, I held his face in my hands and made him look up at me. “Who do you think is prettier? Lyle’s ‘dinner’ or me?” “You,” he answered instantly with an innocent smile on his face. If I weren’t familiar with his personality, I might have mistaken him for a pure, excitable …

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Love Like You Never Loved Before Novel Chapter 5 Free Online (Yvonne and Christopher Novel)

When I received no reply, I decided to go back to minding my own business. Keeping Lyle’s promise of coming back for dinner in mind, I went to the market to buy the ingredients for his favorite food. After returning home, I habitually checked my phone, but there were no message notifications. Why am I …

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Love Like You Never Loved Before Novel Chapter 4 Free Online (Yvonne and Christopher Novel)

“I’m here for a free breakfast meal. You don’t mind, right, Yvonne?” It was Christopher. Lyle didn’t have any other close friends besides him, and only Christopher would dare to act so casually around both of us. Without waiting for a response, he took my utensils from me and started helping himself to the dishes …

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Love Like You Never Loved Before Novel Chapter 3 Free Online (Yvonne and Christopher Novel)

I was trying my best to appear calm, desperately hoping that he would believe my lie. But my heart was pounding in my chest, and my palms were sweaty. I was pretending to act like I was used to doing this sort of thing so that he wouldn’t feel as guilty, but he seemed unperturbed, …

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Love Like You Never Loved Before Novel Chapter 2 Free Online (Yvonne and Christopher Novel)

I was rendered speechless. Then I felt Christopher’s hand slowly move up my leg, lifting my skirt up and touching the inside of my thighs. I instinctively tried to close my legs, but his knee slid in between them before I could do so. He proceeded to kiss me fiercely, starting with my lips and …

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Love Like You Never Loved Before Novel Chapter 1 Free Online (Yvonne and Christopher Novel)

I had never once thought that I would one day be hooking up with someone. As a conservative woman, I dated my husband for two years before finally losing my virginity to him on the night of our wedding. Am I really doing this? The guy in front of me was extremely handsome even though he …

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