Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce Novel (Amanda and Miles Franklin novel)

After enduring a tumultuous three-year marriage that ended in divorce, she became the object of ridicule in the city, mocked as the abandoned wife of a wealthy family. However, six years later, she returns to her hometown with her twin children, ready to embrace a new chapter in her life. Transformed into a world-renowned genius doctor, she captures the attention of countless suitors, all vying for her love and hand in marriage. Amidst the swarm of admirers, her daughter drops a bombshell: “Daddy” has been on his knees for three days, begging to remarry her. Will she consider giving their love a second chance or continue to pursue her own path of success and happiness?

Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce Novel Chapter 8 PDF Free Online (Amanda and Miles Franklin novel)

Seeing how restless their mother looked, Alvin and Elliot asked deliberately, “Who’s Miles, Mommy? Why are we hiding from him?” Amanda slowly returned to her senses and stroked their heads, smiling as if everything was fine. “He’s no one important. I just have a bit of a personal grudge against him. I want you both …

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Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce Novel Chapter 7 PDF Free Online (Amanda and Miles Franklin novel)

There were now only two people inside the room. Miles scanned his surroundings before his gaze fell on his daughter. The little girl was still upset by Amanda’s sudden departure, so upon seeing her father, not only was she completely unafraid, but she even turned away with a huff. A faint scowl appeared on Miles’ …

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Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce Novel Chapter 6 PDF Free Online (Amanda and Miles Franklin novel)

Dionysus Courtyard was one of the best private restaurants in Hofcaster. Every dish served was exemplary, and the place only accepted the most high-profile clients. Reservations also had to be made at least one month in advance. Flora had managed to book a table yesterday using her connections. The restaurant’s interior was exquisite; a screen …

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Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce Novel Chapter 5 PDF Free Online (Amanda and Miles Franklin novel)

Miles glared at her silently for a few seconds. Meanwhile, Samantha dug her nails into her palm to stop herself from revealing her real emotions. “You’d better not be lying.” Miles averted his gaze a while later and turned to Walter. “Did the police get back to you?” Walter’s voice was grim. “Not yet.” He …

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Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce Novel Chapter 4 PDF Free Online (Amanda and Miles Franklin novel)

The same thought popped up in Amanda’s mind. Is this little girl a mute? Her sympathy for the little girl increased. In a gentle voice, she asked, “Can you give me your hand?” With that, she stretched her hand outward. Despite staring at her timidly, the little girl seemed to be less rigid after hearing …

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Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce Novel Chapter 3 PDF Free Online (Amanda and Miles Franklin novel)

Amanda’s heart lurched to her throat and remained there as she hurried out of the airport. She kept turning at her shoulder to confirm he didn’t come after them. Fortunately, his figure remained nowhere to be seen even after they exited the airport. Amanda could finally heave a sigh of relief. The kids found it …

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Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce Novel Chapter 2 PDF Free Online (Amanda and Miles Franklin novel)

Amanda hurried to Mitchell’s office. After pushing the door open, she spotted the little ones inside. They were sitting on the couch in the office and swinging their legs nonchalantly. The boys lit up at the sight of Amanda. Scrambling off the couch, they ran toward her excitedly. “Mommy, you’re finally done! I thought you’d …

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Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce Novel Chapter 1 PDF Free Online (Amanda and Miles Franklin novel)

“Miles, I’ve been married to you for three years, but we’ve never been a real couple. I’ll give my blessing to you and your first crush by giving up on our marriage. Tomorrow, you’re free to go after her. But for now, just make it up to me for my feelings for you all these …

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