Despised: Soon-To-Be-A-Billionaire's Dark Revenge

Despised: Soon-To-Be-A-Billionaire’s Dark Revenge Novel PDF Free Hot Chapters Read Online

Despised: Soon-To-Be-A-Billionaire’s Dark Revenge novel is a romance book, published in meganovel. The fascinating part of Despised: Soon-To-Be-A-Billionaire’s Dark Revenge novel lies in its rich description and exciting plot. The author truly and vividly presented every scene, making me feel like an immersive situation. Despised: Soon-To-Be-A-Billionaire’s Dark Revenge novel are suitable for any reader who likes deep stories.

Overview of Despised: Soon-To-Be-A-Billionaire’s Dark Revenge Novel

Paul was having the worse day of his life. He has completed school but was without a job and had to return home to stay with his mom. And when the parents of his girlfriend, Talatu, insisted that she marries a doctor working abroad, Paul was devastated.
But out of the blues, Eric, his school friend, called. Eric had a plan…it was sinister and not strictly legal, but if executed properly, it would make them rich and Paul would have Talatu back.
When Eric’s simple plan ran out of control, and took a turn for the worse, Paul found himself not only fighting to keep his dream going, but also to keep himself alive.
But Paul is fueled by a need for revenge and his determination to reach the billionaire status keeps him going. He must have his full revenge on Talatu who had abandoned him and on her parents who have openly despised him.
Would his plan of becoming a billionaire come true? Would he have his revenge on the people who he trusted but who despised and stabbed him in the back? And at what price would he get the satisfaction he so desperately yearns for?

Where to Read Despised: Soon-To-Be-A-Billionaire’s Dark Revenge Novel PDF Hot Chapters Online

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  1. First of all, you can download the meganovel app from any app store.
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