Exclusive Love Of My Billionaire Husband

Exclusive Love Of My Billionaire Husband by R.Y.E. PDF Download


The Lloyds’ family had only one son, Xavier. He was a billionaire businessman. He was dubbed the “contemporary Midas.” They call it the Xavier touch since every firm he owns succeeds. All of his business rivals would do anything, if not everything, to see him lose his touch. His father demanded that she marry soon, or he would find him a wife. But he had no desire to marry.

Eunice Dawson, an illegitimate kid, has been living with her father and his family since her mother died. She stated that she intended to lead a normal life. However, things are growing more difficult. Her stepmother and half-sister are not fond of her. Her boyfriend, whom she thought loved her, abandoned her in favor of Irene, her step-sister. Her father was never angry with Irene, instead telling her to just let things go. that her lover was more interested in Irene than in her. She felt lonely and heartbroken.

What is Xavier’s reason for not desiring a wife? What would happen if Eunice ran away from her father’s home?

Chapter 1 Who Else Do You Want Besides Me?

I was in a neon-lit bar, totally inebriated. I lay in a man’s arms, wrapped my arms around his neck, and asked him with a smile, “How about coming home with me tonight?”

I felt the man’s body freeze for a moment. It was as if he never thought I would be so bold.

But he soon came back to his senses and flicked cigarette ash into the ashtray. A smile slowly crept on his face, and the look in his eyes became ambiguous.

“Of all the many men in the bar, why did you choose me?”

When the man spoke, his voice was low and lustful. His eyes seemed to pierce through my flesh and peep into my heart.

His gaze gave me an inexplicable feeling, and I suddenly wanted to run away.

But at the thought of that shameless couple, a tide of rage surged in me. I endured the embarrassment I felt and pretended to be a master of flirting. I should be grateful for the help of the alcohol because it gave me the courage to slide my fingers down his open neckline.

“Because you are the hottest among all the men here.”

I wasn’t lying about it.

It was true that there were so many men in the bar. But from the moment I decided to find a man to spend the night with to take revenge on my ex-boyfriend, I immediately got interested in this man at a glance. So I chose him.

My brain had been eroded by alcohol, and I couldn’t think clearly. But in my mind, I could still vaguely distinguish that he was very handsome.

He wore a gray suit, which was totally incompatible with the bar environment. However, the corners of his mouth curled up. He looked like a nobleman who entered a strange world by accident but enjoyed his adventure.

His noble and dissipated posture made him look damn sexy.

I couldn’t help swallowing hard and licking the corners of my mouth. I felt my throat dry all of a sudden.

I couldn’t help thinking that such a man must be sexier when he was having sex with a woman in bed.

The man raised his eyebrows leisurely, but he seemed to remember something. His face darkened, then he took my hand off his chest and said coldly, “I’m not interested in a woman who comes to me for sex.”

I froze for a while. When I realized he must be afraid I had some disease, anger surged in my heart.

But now that he had rejected me, I didn’t want to force him. I just said with some regret, “Then I have to find another one.”

Anyway, no matter who it was, I would give him my first time tonight.

I pursed my lips, stood up, and was about to leave. But I still didn’t want to be misunderstood like this.

After hesitating for a while, I turned around, stared at him, and said through clenched teeth, “Believe it or not, this is my first time.”

After saying this, I staggered and turned around to leave. But he suddenly pulled me back and held me in his arms again.

His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down and he looked at me dangerously. I felt like I was his prey.

He asked in a deep voice, “Who else do you want besides me?”

We were so close to each other that I could feel his hot breath spray on my face, making me numb all over.

“You don’t want a woman who comes to you for sex, right?”

As I asked this, I twisted my body, trying to break free from his arms. I didn’t notice that my voice was filled with grievance and coquetry.

He smiled and held me tightly in his arms.

He said hoarsely, “I was talking nonsense just now. But if you keep moving like this, I can’t guarantee what will happen next.”

I was stunned for a moment before I realized that my posture was really embarrassing now.

I wore a spaghetti strap tonight. And because of struggling just now, the strap hung loosely on my shoulder, revealing most of my plump breasts. As I breathed, they trembled up and down.

The moment this man stood up, my naked upper body would instantly be exposed to the public.

No wonder when he looked at me, his eyes were more lustful than before.

“Not here,” I said in a panic and held his neck tightly. “Your place or mine?”

I knew no man could refuse such an invitation, not to mention that his attitude had softened.

Sure enough, the next second, he picked me up and walked towards the door.

He moved so fast that I didn’t have time to fix my clothes. My breasts were still exposed, so I had to stick tightly to the man’s chest, allowing his suit fabric to rub against my naked breasts.

Along the way, I was tortured by him badly. I felt so sore all over my body that I didn’t know when he carried me into his place. When I came back to my senses, he pressed me firmly against the bed.

“Take your clothes off,” he whispered in my ear, licking my earlobe.

My face felt hot. I knew I was blushing all over. When I opened my mouth to say something, he suddenly kissed my lips.

“Be good. Take off your underwear. I want to see it.”

He kept giving me instructions in a hoarse voice. For some unknown reason, I couldn’t resist him. And the effect of alcohol made me lose my sense of shame and resistance.

I took my clothes off as he said. Then I spread my legs, letting him look at me with scrutiny and lust in his eyes.

“Stop looking now.”

His piercing gaze made me tremble all over. I felt so scared that I couldn’t help but cry. I twisted my body to hide.

But he pressed me on the bed again. His one hand firmly held my two arms above my head, and his other hand slowly touched my private parts, exploring them.

“No… No… No… It’s too deep…”

I couldn’t help trembling, and the tingling sensation from my lower body almost drove me crazy.

At this time, he was no longer as abstinent as he was in the bar just now. His eyes were full of madness dominated by desire, and he even said a lot of dirty words that didn’t match his temperament.

“Baby, you’re so hot.”

“Are you satisfied? Am I good?”

The corners of my mouth rose. I leaned over and bit his Adam’s apple. When I heard him groan, I licked it gently. I stuck out my tongue and teased him, trying to cover up my panic and nervousness.

No words came out of his mouth. But the increasingly intense movements of his body spoke for him.

“Hold me tighter.”

As soon as he said this, I felt my legs being parted, followed by a sharp pain.

I bent over in pain, and my tears overflowed again.

I was forced to bear his collision. But after the pain, I finally felt the pleasure.

I couldn’t help holding his strong and broad shoulders tightly. I felt like I was sinking into the sea of lust with him.

The man seemed tireless. When the sun rose and the soft sunlight seeped through the milky white curtains, he finally stopped moving. I couldn’t hold on any longer and fell into a deep slumber.

When I woke up, I felt sore all over, and my head hurt like it was about to explode.

I opened my eyes in a daze and heard the sound of the water from the bathroom. My mind went blank for a moment. Then everything that happened last night flashed through my mind like a movie.

But strangely, I couldn’t remember what the man looked like, no matter how hard I racked my brain. Was I too drunk to remember his face?

I reached out and rubbed my head, looking in the direction of the bathroom.

He was the man who turned me into a real woman. So I was curious about what kind of a man he was.

At this moment, the sound of the water in the bathroom stopped.

I held my breath and waited nervously for the man to come out. But suddenly, the phone next to my pillow rang.

When I looked at the screen, I saw my boss’s name flashing.

“Eunice, do you know what day it is today? If you don’t arrive before the meeting, you are fired!”

I was startled by this call. It was only then that I realized today was a big day for our company. We would negotiate the cooperation with Lloyds Company. If I didn’t show up in time, my boss, who always disliked me, would fire me.

At the thought of this, I no longer cared about the man in the bathroom. I quickly put on my clothes and walked towards the door. But when I passed by the bathroom, I faintly heard a low and pleasant voice. “Put off the meeting for half an hour.”

I subconsciously stopped. Should I at least say goodbye to him? But I was running out of time, so I opened the door and hurriedly left.

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