GAME9INE- THE GOD RANKING SYSTEM Novel PDF Free Hot Chapters Read Online

GAME9INE- THE GOD RANKING SYSTEM novel is a romance book, published in meganovel. The fascinating part of GAME9INE- THE GOD RANKING SYSTEM novel lies in its rich description and exciting plot. The author truly and vividly presented every scene, making me feel like an immersive situation. GAME9INE- THE GOD RANKING SYSTEM novel are suitable for any reader who likes deep stories.


GAME9INE Mobile potable ear Gear company. Game 9INE brings the virtual world into reality. you can see cartoon characters walking on the street, faires etc
April 2024. The company release the first game
The story line of these was that the king of Eurupia has a daughter who was spirited away into the demon lord’s world. The king’s orders his knights, guilds and all Military to defeat the demon lord and bring back his daughter. His daughter was never found and the demon lord was killed however that demon lord was the son of Satan.
No 2024 The version 2 of the game story is that Lucifer’s and his army returns for revenge his son on Eurupia.
The game promise to be streamed live around the world and a gold coin for any monster killed is a million.
Tommy Ryan, son of billionaire Tech lost his wealth and everything in a car accident planned by his uncle. He saw the face of the killer and he must avenge his mother’s death. Crippled and the only way out of their situation his surgery and the game. He enters the game with his father,Eric, his best friend Jerry Tobi along millions of players. They soon discovered that the army of Satan in the game where real demons from hell who has taken the form of Npc and Monster game Characters any body who dies with in the game. Their soul is lost forever and the demon takes over their body and mind and able to walk in the real world.
The only way to escape from the death game is to save the Inventor of the game DAVID MARK trapped with in the game. Join these young heroes as they clear 9 death stages of different worlds and setting to win the game.

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