Head of The Table novel is a romance book, published in meganovel. The fascinating part of Head of The Table novel lies in its rich description and exciting plot. The author truly and vividly presented every scene, making me feel like an immersive situation. Head of The Table novel are suitable for any reader who likes deep stories.
Overview of Head of The Table Novel
With more power than the government and more influential than the church, Ben manages to be the greatest drug lord in the black market. This great power and influence comes also with unnecessary attention and draws greedy attempts amongst his associates, including the Tang dynasty. After the negotiable compliant Mr. Tang was befallen with stroke, the business was left in the amateur hands of the two sons, Wu and Li. The Tang brothers were greedy and sought the power Ben possessed. So the two brothers rage the war and it’s the Tang brothers against Ben. Along the way, Ben’s brother-Reuben- is badly injured and is admitted. Elsewhere circumstances and over burden obligations drive a man to suicide but fortunately he survives a forty floor story building drop and is admitted in the same hospital Reuben is admitted. This coincidental unplanned encounter leads to the first meet up between Brian and Ben. At very potential danger and a failed attempted assassination, Ben cooks up an insane idea and opts to hire Brian to act as Reuben temporarily. So the train wreck begins, initially Brian portrays as a humble aspiring drug accomplice but after several attempts by the Tang brothers, Ben is forced to lay low and entrusts Brian with his empire. This move changed the tables, Brian’s ambition and goal to be the best brings hell on earth for those around and loyal to Ben, especially the knights. The excessive blood spilling draws Ben from his hideout, and chaos was everywhere, worse Brian joins forces with the Tang dynasty. However Ben is determined to prove the two merged forces that he was the head for a reason. So the war escalates and eventually only one emerges the strongest.
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