Mr. Morris' Sweet Trap

“Mr. Morris’ Sweet Trap” (Lock You in My Heart) by B. MADRON PDF Download


Gabrielle was forced to marry Westley, the famous demon in the city. That was all because of her brother, who ran away with Westley’s fiancee. As a result, she married him as a substitute. However, when they found back his fiancee, he didn’t sign the divorce agreement. Now that he knew she was the one he wanted, how could ever he let go of her?

Book Review

“Mr. Morris’ Sweet Trap” (Lock You in My Heart) is a riveting and deeply moving romance novel that explores the complexity and intensity of true love. This work stands out for its smooth story and impressive characters, which transport the reader into a world full of passion.

The story of “Mr. Morris’ Sweet Trap” centers on Gabrielle Jones, who, after a series of setbacks, discovers the feeling and possibility of a great love in the man Westley Morris. Initially unwilling to give in to this feeling, Gabrielle Jones discovers that Westley Morris’s love is deeper than she ever imagined, forcing her to face her own fears and insecurities.

The author builds the plot deftly, developing the relationship between Gabrielle Jones and Westley Morris with sensitivity and realism. The authors explore themes of family, lust, betrayal and attractive, showing that true love can heal wounds and change lives.

“Mr. Morris’ Sweet Trap” is a compelling book in its handling of love and relationships with intensity and authenticity. The author makes us believe in the power of true love and confront our fears and limitations in the name of happiness.

With captivating writing and an all-encompassing story, “Mr. Morris’ Sweet Trap” is a must-read for anyone looking for true love. Reading makes us reflect on the importance of allowing ourselves to love and be loved, even in the face of the adversities and challenges life throws at us.

Embark on the loving journey of Gabrielle Jones and Westley Morris as the couple shows us that deep love can overcome any obstacle and change lives. “Mr. Morris’ Sweet Trap” (Lock You in My Heart) is a beautiful romance novel that will remain etched in the memories and hearts of all those lucky enough to share it.

READ: Lock You in My Heart by Harmon Davy PDF Download

Mr. Morris' Sweet Trap

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“The Bride is Missing?! Wedding of the Century is Held as Scheduled!”

“Antawood’s Prime Economic Mover and Shaker Being Dumped by His Fiancee?”

“Westley Morris Was Abandoned! Is the Rumor About His Impotence True?”

Numerous news kept popping up.

After coming out of the shower, Gabrielle Jones looked at her phone and read the headlines. Her heart sank.

The press members actually had the balls to report something like this. Clearly, they weren’t afraid of the consequences.

The thought of Westley’s possible reaction to the news sent shivers down her spine. It was going to get messy if he decided to do something about it.

As she towel-dried her hair, she refreshed the page to read more. But to her surprise, all the news about Westley disappeared.

She initially thought that there was something wrong with her phone. So she restarted it before opening the website again. There was nothing about Westley’s wedding.

At first, Gabrielle was a little confused. She sat down and kept on browsing other sites, wondering what just happened. It was then that realization finally dawned on her. It must have been Westley’s doing—he was the only one powerful enough to block the news in such a short time. Gabrielle huffed out a breath in amazement, her phone forgotten in her hand.

This man was really something else. His power and influence were beyond her wildest imagination.

She put down her phone. The moment she raised her head, she saw Westley standing right in front of her.

Why didn’t he make even a little sound when he walked? It was creepy.

It suddenly occurred to her that she was only wrapped in a towel. Her instinct kicked in, and she moved to put on some clothes. But as soon as she took a step forward, Westley grabbed her and threw her onto the bed. Gabrielle scooted towards the headboard, putting as much distance between them as possible.

“Why… Why… Why are you here?” As Gabrielle spoke, she pulled the towel around her more tightly.

“Have you forgotten? This is our bedroom. Of course I can come here anytime I want.” Westley looked her up and down and continued, “You look so sexy in just a towel, by the way. You know I was coming? That’s probably why you only have that on. Do you long for my body that much?”

“No… No, of course not. I thought you wouldn’t come back.” Gabrielle sat up nervously. Some of her damp hair stuck to her forehead, so she tried to brush it away.

Yesterday was Gabrielle’s wedding, and it wasn’t a happy event. She was forced to marry Westley. She was sent here last morning after she left the Jones family.

She had been waiting for an entire day, but Westley didn’t come back. He didn’t bother letting her know when he would be home, so Gabrielle thought he wouldn’t come. ‘His timing is impeccable, ‘ she thought sarcastically.

“Are you disappointed because I didn’t touch you on the night of our wedding? I totally understand if you are.”


Before she could finish her words, Westley moved quickly and leaned over her on the bed. He hovered above her, and with both of his arms on either side of her, he basically imprisoned Gabrielle. Westley stared at her fiercely.

“I’ll satisfy you now. I promise I will make it worth your while.” As he spoke, he put his hand on her waist. It made Gabrielle flinch from his touch.

“No, no, no, don’t do this. Get off me.” Gabrielle gripped the bath towel, her knuckles white. She turned her head to the side and closed her eyes, hoping he would leave her alone.

“No? But we’re married now. Or did you forget that one little fact?” Westley tightened his grip on her.

As he did so, he pulled the towel off a little bit. Gabrielle could hear the roaring in her ears. She was so frightened that tears welled up in her eyes, and her body trembled.

“Stop playing innocent in front of me!” Westley only wanted to frighten her, but he didn’t expect her to cry. Westley got off, stood up, and looked down at her. His face was a mask of fury and disgust. “Ask Bryce to hand Nellie over. Otherwise, you will become my wife in every way. That includes fulfilling your duties within the four corners of this room.”

“Mr. Morris, please. I kept on calling my brother, but he turned his phone off. Dad and mom are also looking for him. We haven’t stopped trying to contact him,” Gabrielle hurriedly explained.

Three days ago, Westley and his men burst into the Jones’ house. He claimed that her brother, Bryce Jones, fled with Westley’s fiancee, Nellie Collins. Westley was apoplectic with rage—so much so that Gabrielle feared for her family’s life in that moment.

Westley gave them two choices. One, they would find Bryce and Nellie and bring them both to Westley. If they couldn’t do it, they would need to go with the second option, which was for Gabrielle to marry Westley—this would buy them enough time to find Bryce.

Gabrielle spent the next two days anxiously waiting while her family tried to locate her brother and Westley’s fiancee. She was a bundle of nerves. In the end, what happened was the thing that she feared the most. Her mother asked her to marry Westley. She promised Gabrielle that they would continue the search and find her brother as soon as possible. Gabrielle felt her entire world crumble. Still, she had no choice but to do it—if only to save her family.

Besides, Gabrielle believed her mother. The Jones family raised her for more than twenty years, and they would never treat her like their scapegoat. This was just temporary.

“Keep calling him. If you don’t find him, you will see the destruction of the Jones family.” Westley glared at her one last time. He then turned around and strode towards his walk-in closet.

Gabrielle breathed a sigh of relief as she watched Westley’s retreating back. She slumped back on the bed and tried to calm her racing heart. However, what he said worried her. It wasn’t over; it was far from over. Westley wasn’t going to stop tormenting her until Bryce showed up.

After taking two steps, Westley stopped. Without turning to face her, he said, “Go get changed. Grandma asked us to go back.”

Gabrielle wiped away her tears. She got out of bed and pulled out her suitcase from the corner of the wall. She opened the lock, took out a choice of clothes, and went to the bathroom to change.

After changing his own clothes, Westley came back to the room. He was buttoning his shirt, but he stopped at the sight of Gabrielle’s dress. He frowned and stood with his arms akimbo.

“Gabrielle Jones, are you headed out to do some hard and dirty work? Didn’t the Jones family teach you how to dress properly?” Westley didn’t mince his words. He saw her squirm at his vicious comments.

She lowered her head and looked at her own outfit. She was wearing a blue long skirt over a white T-shirt. This was her style and she liked it a lot.

“That’s how I usually dress…”

“Well, you aren’t the adopted daughter of the Jones family anymore. You are now my wife. Don’t embarrass me with such shabby clothes. There are some dresses in the wardrobe. Go and choose something for yourself,” said Westley, frowning.

Gabrielle hadn’t really had an exquisite life. He doubted if her place in the Jones family was no different than a servant’s.

Gabrielle looked toward the wardrobe but was having trouble taking a step. “But, there isn’t…”

“Don’t you understand me? Do you want me to take off your clothes myself?” Westley spoke sharply with his eyes narrowed.

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