A NIGHT WITH HIM: A ONE NIGHT STAND SERIES novel is a romance book, written by ILLICTIMAGINATION , published in ReadNow App. The fascinating part of A NIGHT WITH HIM: A ONE NIGHT STAND SERIES novel lies in its rich description and exciting plot. The author truly and vividly presented every scene, making me feel like an immersive situation. A NIGHT WITH HIM: A ONE NIGHT STAND SERIES novel are suitable for any reader who likes deep stories.


*Preview from the story*

Isn’t this crazy, he walk into my room from nowhere that partly night drunked and kept calling me with a name I’ve never heard before.

I wanted to push him away and scream but he looks broken as he hug more tight.
“Veena Don’t leave me please”he cried and wet my shoulder. I just let him do is thing until I suddenly felt his hand going under my crop top.

“What are you doing”
“Veena, I miss you”he kept saying.
“I’m not Veena or whatever you call her”I responded but his hand kept traveling up and when he reach my br**ast he cup them into his hand and I moaned out of pleasure.

The stranger has so much effect on me than I expected. Whosever Veena is, she must be a bitch for breaking a cool guy like him.

I was wearing no underwear so he had access to my bare body.
“What are you doing?”I stuttered but I was shutted by his lips fitting perfectly with mine

That was how Karla had a crazy night with a stranger who she didn’t wake up to meet. After that day Karla forgot everything until he walk into their class the next morning as a new student but something is wrong somewhere he barely recognize her.

Everyday in school they acted like stranger but every night he cry to her bed and eventually sleep with her but she never woke up to meet him.

Is it normal?

Her world turns apart when she started catching feelings for this guys who only noticed her in the night but careless about her during the day.

What?! is that really possible!!!

What is really going on?.
Why would the strange guys never remember her!

How to Read A NIGHT WITH HIM: A ONE NIGHT STAND SERIES Novel PDF Online Step-by-Step

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  1. First of all, you can download the ReadNow app from any app store.
  2. After the installation is successful, open the app on the device, then search for “A NIGHT WITH HIM: A ONE NIGHT STAND SERIES” in the app, and start reading the journey.
  3. Or, you can click here to visit the official website of A NIGHT WITH HIM: A ONE NIGHT STAND SERIES novel, read A NIGHT WITH HIM: A ONE NIGHT STAND SERIES novel or download app on the official website.

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