After the Divorce, I Took Revenge on My Ex-husband novel is a romance book, published in Joyread. The fascinating part of After the Divorce, I Took Revenge on My Ex-husband novel lies in its rich description and exciting plot. The author truly and vividly presented every scene, making me feel like an immersive situation. After the Divorce, I Took Revenge on My Ex-husband novel are suitable for any reader who likes deep stories.
After the Divorce, I Took Revenge on My Ex-husband Novel Summary
Sienna loved Adrian for fifteen years, turning her back on the Mckinney family and giving it her all, only to find out upon her return that a demon’s heart could never be warmed.
Sienna lost her child and her mother, and in that moment, she came to a sudden realization.
“Screw you, Adrian, I don’t want to love you anymore.”
Adrian, soon to be an ex-husband, panicked in an instant.
“Sienna, I’ll agree to anything as long as we don’t get a divorce.”
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