Read hot passion Novel by carmen esparanola PDF Online Step-by-Step

hot passion novel is a romance book, written by carmen esparanola, published in ReadNow App. The fascinating part of hot passion novel lies in its rich description and exciting plot. The author truly and vividly presented every scene, making me feel like an immersive situation. hot passion novel are suitable for any reader who likes deep stories.

Synopsis of hot passion Novel

HEAR THE FOOTSTEPS BEFORE the voice. It’s my cue to jump up off my
bed and lock my door before she gets too close.
“Quinlan! Where are you?”
I love my mom to itty bitty pieces, but if I have to sit through another one
of her lectures on proper role-modeling, I’m going to move out. I swear to God,
I’ll do it. Now that Teagan, my best bud in all the land, has her own apartment, I
actually have options. The fact that she always declines to take me up on my
roommate offers means nothing. I can wear her down; I always do. Nobody’s a
match for my determination. No one.
“Quinlan?” My mom checks the door. “I know you’re in there. Listen, I
need to talk to you about Jersey.”
My little brother. One of the three siblings I’m supposed to be setting an
example for. Luckily, he’s the only one still around much anymore. The twins
are way too busy with their social lives to bother with family much.
“I’m busy, Mom!” I shout through the door. “Homework!”
“You’re out of school and you’re not taking summer courses. Open up.”
Little does she know, I actually am in the middle of a big project. But I’m
going to keep that information to myself because I know what her reaction will
I get up and crack the door open. “Mom, seriously. I’m working on some
financials right now and I need to focus.”
“Financials? For what?”
“Just a project one of my … uh … professors gave me at the end of the
semester. Extra credit stuff.”
She frowns. “How are you going to get extra credit for a class that already
I roll my eyes and huff out an annoyed puff of air, as if she’s the stupid
one. “Mom, would you give me a break, please? It’s not like I’m smoking crack
in here or anything. I’m working.”
“Jersey ate another chapstick.”
I smile. “Jersey has a very versatile palate, what can I say? You should be
proud he’s so out of the box.”
She puts her hands on her hips. “Jersey is going to get poisoned one day
with you leaving your crap all over the house. I need you to be more adult about
how you conduct yourself where he’s concerned.”
“Mom, I’m twenty-two. I am an adult.”
“Adults don’t leave things around for babies to put in their mouths.”
“Mom. Jesus. Wake up and smell the coffee. Jersey is twelve years old
and obviously as dumb as a box of rocks. Time to stop blaming me for his half-
a-brain.” I shut the door in her face and lock it again. I dance a little jig of glee
and high-five myself because I know my choice of words is going to light her
butt on fire. She knows I don’t mean them and that I’d lay down my life for the
little turd, but it doesn’t mean I’m above yanking her chain whenever and
however I can. Hot button … pressed. Whoop!
“Quinlan! Open this door!”
“I will if you stop riding my butt.”
“Open it.”
“I’ll tell Dad.”
There’s a pause as she considers her next move. We both know what’ll
happen if I drag him into the mix. He’s under no illusions that my little brother
is going to be the next brain surgeon on the block. The kid’ll be lucky to
graduate the sixth grade, and everyone’s on board with that fact, with the
exception of my mom. And my father is not a huge fan of her always blaming
everyone else for Jersey’s bullcrap, so she tends to do it out of his presence
whenever possible.
“You better be getting a lot of extra credit on that project,” she finally says.
“Oh, I am. Believe me.” I’m going to help my best friend get her damn
inheritance back if it’s the last thing I do this summer.
“I need you to take Jersey to his doctor’s appointment later.”
“What time?”
“Two o’clock. I have to go see his therapist and come up with another plan
for him. I don’t think he’s responding very well to the one we have in place
right now.”
“Fine, I’ll do it. Now leave me be so I can concentrate.”
Her sad voice makes me open the door. “Yes, mommy dearest?” I grin to
take the sting out of our conversation.
“Don’t call me that. I just wanted to ask you, in a calm and rational voice,
to please be more careful about leaving tempting things out in the open where
your brother can get his hands on them.”
I lean out of the doorway with my lips puckered up to get a kiss. When she
caves and gives me one, I smile. “Don’t worry, Mom. When I’m rich and
famous I’ll pay to put him in a nice home.” I pull my head in and lock the door
before she can get to me.
“Quinlan! That’s not funny!”
“Yes it is,” I say, going back to my bed. She and I both know I’d never do
that, even if it would make everyone’s life a hell of a lot easier. My brother
Jersey has the energy of three boys his age and only a very small percentage of
their brain power, thanks to an accident on his way out of the birth canal. He’s
hell on wheels, but we love him to death. The little shit is probably going to be
my roommate when my parents get too old to handle him. And when that
happens, I’m goi

How to Read hot passion Novel PDF Online Step-by-Step

If you want a deep reading of hot passion novel, we are happy to help you find hot passion novel.

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  3. Or, you can click here to visit the official website of hot passion novel, read hot passion novel or download app on the official website.

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