The CEO’s Wife Is Secretly Married novel is a romance book, published in Joyread. The fascinating part of The CEO’s Wife Is Secretly Married novel lies in its rich description and exciting plot. The author truly and vividly presented every scene, making me feel like an immersive situation. The CEO’s Wife Is Secretly Married novel are suitable for any reader who likes deep stories.
The CEO’s Wife Is Secretly Married Novel Summary
“Our marriage is just an agreement on a piece of paper,” he declared before their union. We have nothing to do with one another in private. He would support her anytime she got into problems after they were married. He would defend her while she was being bullied. He declared her to be his wife in public, but she followed the arrangement and concealed their marriage. Susan became upset when he sneaked back into bed. “What do you actually want?” He assumed an innocent face as he implored, “Please hug me. Kiss me, please. Please… Susan had no choice but to concede defeat to the renegade CEO. He had loved her for a very long time, but she didn’t know it until many years later.
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