Read The Doctor’s Compelled Affair Novel by yang92 PDF Online Step-by-Step

The Doctor’s Compelled Affair novel is a romance book, written by yang92, published in ReadNow App. The fascinating part of The Doctor’s Compelled Affair novel lies in its rich description and exciting plot. The author truly and vividly presented every scene, making me feel like an immersive situation. The Doctor’s Compelled Affair novel are suitable for any reader who likes deep stories.

Synopsis of The Doctor’s Compelled Affair Novel

I could ruin a relationship but I won’t because I will go through the process that the man in front of me needs right now.


“Please!” please talk to me.

“I can do everything you want, just please give your kidney to my love,” he pleaded with me. I am hurt because he is doing everything just to keep the girl he loves alive. I am selfish but my health is also at stake and my love for him as well.

“You know what I want, you know how much I love you…”

“FINE!” he quickly went to what he had to say. I just finished secondary school when I first saw him and I can say that I loved him before but he was just like air to me.

“I do sacrifice my freedom because I love her so much. You obsessed to me Bless, you did,” he said and actually pointed to himself and shook his head.

“But you won’t be happy with me because I’ll make sure we’re only connected on paper. There’s no me, no you, because there’s no us!” he said seriously. His face is serious as far as I can see, he’s not angry and also he has nothing to be angry about because he came here voluntarily because he needs something from me.

“So, we have nothing more to talk about,” I said. It’s up to him if I look like a contradiction to their love. He is the one who needs me, he should be the one to follow because I am talking about my life here.

“Okay! just give me time for her recovery,” he responded three times and actually raised both of his hands. The power of love can sacrifice freedom, my mind said.

“Do you think I’ll let you get close to him just in case?” I asked seriously and walked towards the door. I opened it to signal that he can leave because he has nothing to do with it. Our conversation is over because it’s not possible anymore, what he wants is what will follow.

“I will only do one year to teach and try to love you. If it doesn’t happen in one year, you will leave yourself,” he answered seriously and walked out of the house. I smiled because I knew that was enough assurance for him to learn to love me too.

“Prepare yourself because you will be involved in the operation tomorrow,” he said last before heading to his car and until he disappeared from my sight.

The operation was completed successfully. Dr. asked for consideration. Monteleagre to take care and watch over the girl he loves first. I’m not selfish because I still have compassion. Knowing that when we are destined even if the world turns upside down, we are really meant for each other.

The day passed and it took months, Dr. The talk is Monteleagre. He secretly let me live in his mansion and he also sent me to school so that I could finish my studies as a doctor. A lot has changed in a sacrifice, he almost lost what he says we are only connected on paper.

“Mahal?” I called him because he was just in the kitchen cooking.

“Can I borrow your dermatology book?” I will ask.

“Just get it from the library,” he answered me as he tasted what he was cooking. This is his routine, so I’m here to prove that what they say about love is a choice is really true. He didn’t say the magic word but I’ll feel it.

“Taste it baby?” he said and came to me. I’m thrilled when he looks like this to me so I can’t get rid of my smile. He slowly brought the spoon closer to my mouth but before I could taste it, my stomach turned upside down. I don’t know what happened but Im feeling weak after throwing up and no one is vomiting but I didn’t expect the anger I see from his eyes. His a doctor, he knows what happened.

I thought he would be happy if he found out I was pregnant and we would become a family but everything I thought in return turned out to be a nightmare for me. He accused me that I am wh*re.

“I can not bear a child!” are words that keep repeating in my mind.

How can I defend myself if he closed the conversation and he hated me so much because he taught that I am a filthy woman and a whore?

I faced all the accusations, cruelty to me even though I was pregnant because I felt him and I love him but everything has a limit since I was married because of an event that can’t be returned even when.

I left…but I swear I will come back and make him look like he was wrong for all the accusations against me! I will also make sure that the person who lied to him will pay for his belief. Because it will be proven if I have not committed any sin because I am the aggrieved because I am a clean woman and he can also bear a child.

One day I will make you down and on your knees and beg me!

How to Read The Doctor’s Compelled Affair Novel PDF Online Step-by-Step

If you want a deep reading of The Doctor’s Compelled Affair novel, we are happy to help you find The Doctor’s Compelled Affair novel.

This is a step-by-step guide that can help you find The Doctor’s Compelled Affair novel quickly and start your in -depth reading journey:

  1. First of all, you can download the ReadNow app from any app store.
  2. After the installation is successful, open the app on the device, then search for “The Doctor’s Compelled Affair ” in the app, and start reading the journey.
  3. Or, you can click here to visit the official website of The Doctor’s Compelled Affair novel, read The Doctor’s Compelled Affair novel or download app on the official website.

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