Read The Water Girl Novel PDF Online Step-by-Step

The Water Girl novel is a romance book, published in ReadNow App. The fascinating part of The Water Girl novel lies in its rich description and exciting plot. The author truly and vividly presented every scene, making me feel like an immersive situation. The Water Girl novel are suitable for any reader who likes deep stories.

Synopsis of The Water Girl Novel

Damn water, girl.! Shouldn’t you just stick to the salad you have in your hands? You keep eating unhealthy foods like pizza. You’re going to get too big to run and fetch me my water.”

“Thanks for your concern, Arron, but it’s unwanted and needed because all I’m eating today is my salad.”

“You do not have to explain anything to that douche bag,” Sydney hisses at me.

“I was being sarcastic, Syd.”
Sydney rolls her eyes at Arron, then leads us over to our table. Luckily, I made it to my table without a hitch. Normally, I end up with most of my food on me before I get to my table.

“Are you okay Riv? “Sydney asks me once we get sat down.

“Yes, I’m used to it by now.”

“Wow, River Rock just walked in.”
My skin instantly heats at that name. Rock (James Martinez) is not only the hottest guy at school. He is the quarterback and captain, and my biggest hater at Scotts high. To make matters worse, his mom is dating my dad.

“Hey water girl, go get me some food.” Rock says, coming over and sitting down at our table like he owns it.

“Fuck off Rock.” Sydney says, then gets up and positions herself in between us. I guess she thinks that’s going to stop him from harassing me. I go to get up and get him food so he will leave me alone, but my friend is not having that.

“Sit your ass down.” Sydney growls.

“Just let me do this Syd so I might eat in peace today.”

“You’re going to eat in peace, anyway. I will make sure of it,” Sydney says between clenched teeth. She really doesn’t know what she starts when she does this.

Surprising, Rock gets up and walks over to get his own food, then goes and sits with his girlfriend and the other football players. I get to eat my food in peace for the rest of the lunch hour. Once the bell rings, Sydney and I head to our next class. We make it through our last couple classes and then it’s time to go out on the football field to make sure the team has plenty of water.

I wonder if I could get away with putting some laxative tablets in their waters see how good they practice having to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes.

“Yo water girl, get your ass over here with the damn waters,” Damion, the linebacker, yells at me. Making me jump out of my daydream.

You know I’m not the only water girl out here, but I’m the only one that gets picked on. I really don’t understand what I have done to make them target me. Unlike Tiffany, who’s dry humping Rock’s leg while giving him water, I’m quiet and keep to myself.

Walking towards the table, I put some more water glasses down on it. Then I walk over to the guys that are standing around waiting to get on the field to see if they want any water. “It’s about damn time, water girl.” Most of the guys say, but there are some. The freshmen thanked me. But that will soon change once they hear what the other guys call me and the way they treat me, then they will start doing the same.

Once that set of guy’s head on the field, the ones that were on the field head off it, so I do the same thing for them. I walk up to them and pour water into the mouths of the ones that want water and get shoved to the side by the ones that don’t want water. God, I really don’t know why I am doing this… I really hate football. But it’s either this or having to hear my dad complain about me not doing anything.

By the end of practice I have everything packed up, and ready to head to the locker room when Rock and his friend Damion walk up behind me, pushing me so hard I fall and the bottles in my hands go flying around the field.

“Oh, damn water girl, I didn’t see you standing there.” Rock says, then bends down to help me up to my feet, but I slap his hand away.
“Now, now, River, is that anyway to treat your sum to be stepbrother?” Rock chuckles.

God, I hope not.

“My dad will never marry your mother. He loved my mother too much.” I spit at him and he sees red. Rock lifts me up off the ground by my shirt, hauling me into his body. “You listen to me, you little bitch.”

“James Martinez, put River down right now.” Coach barks at him and Rock chunks me to the ground and I land on my butt hard. Once everyone heads to the locker room, I get up and start gathering the bottles that went flying a minute ago back up and put them back in the bags. Coach must have stayed behind because he helped me with the bottles. “You know, Ms. Darby, you really shouldn’t let them boys treat you that way.”

I know I shouldn’t, but I really don’t have any choice. “Thanks coach I say.” Once he helps me up and gives me the bags to carry to the locker room.

“River, I’ve known your dad for a long time, and I don’t think he would be too happy to know how bad things are for you at school.”

“No offense, coach, but you must not know my dad as well as you think you do, because my father couldn’t care less.” I walk on into the locker room without another word.

How to Read The Water Girl Novel PDF Online Step-by-Step

If you want a deep reading of The Water Girl novel, we are happy to help you find The Water Girl novel.

This is a step-by-step guide that can help you find The Water Girl novel quickly and start your in -depth reading journey:

  1. First of all, you can download the ReadNow app from any app store.
  2. After the installation is successful, open the app on the device, then search for “The Water Girl” in the app, and start reading the journey.
  3. Or, you can click here to visit the official website of The Water Girl novel, read The Water Girl novel or download app on the official website.

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