The Domineering Alpha's Regrets

The Domineering Alpha’s Regrets by Kalle Tatem PDF Download


Killian, the future Alpha of my pack was the werewolf I feared the most. He made my life a living hell. As a maid, I tried my best to serve him and his family. But he never stopped bullying me.

My life took a turn for the worse when Killian forced himself on me on the night the heir was announced. He took my virginity in the cruelest manner!

The evil werewolf wasn’t even remorseful. Instead of making me his mate, he banished me from the pack. I had to flee with his seed in my belly. On many occasions, I almost lost my life in the wilderness.

It took a long time before I finally settled down in a city far away. I put my life back on track and prayed that I’d never see that beast again. Unfortunately, Killian showed up five years later and began to pester me.

“You belong to me. I won’t have you raise my child with another man!” he said with audacity.

It was as if I was reliving my years of torture. I hated him with every fiber of my being. Baring my teeth, I roared, “Are you crazy? I’m not yours. Leave me alone!”

Killian lost his cool. He pushed me to the wall. His eyes burned scarlet as he said in a low voice, “Yes, I’m crazy. You are the only one that can make me sane again.”

I couldn’t believe my ears. As I was trying to process what I just heard, Killian stunned me again.

“I’m sorry for everything I did to you. Please forgive me and don’t turn away from me. I can’t live without you.”

What the hell happened to him? Was he being sincere? Should I accept him for the sake of our child?

Book Review

The Domineering Alpha’s Regrets is a riveting and deeply moving werewolf romance novel that explores the complexity and intensity of true love. This work stands out for its smooth story and impressive characters, which transport the reader into a world full of passion.

The story of The Domineering Alpha’s Regrets centers on Nyla Higgins, who, after a series of setbacks, discovers the feeling and possibility of a great love in the man Killian Cohen. Initially unwilling to give in to this feeling, Nyla Higgins discovers that Killian Cohen’s love is deeper than she ever imagined, forcing her to face her own fears and insecurities.

The author builds the plot deftly, developing the relationship between Nyla Higgins and Killian Cohen with sensitivity and realism. The authors explore themes of trust, vulnerability, betrayal, revenge and love after marriage, showing that true love can heal wounds and change lives.

The Domineering Alpha’s Regrets is a compelling book in its handling of love and relationships with intensity and authenticity. The author makes us believe in the power of true love and confront our fears and limitations in the name of happiness.

With captivating writing and an all-encompassing story, The Domineering Alpha’s Regrets is a must-read for anyone looking for true love. Reading makes us reflect on the importance of allowing ourselves to love and be loved, even in the face of the adversities and challenges life throws at us.

Embark on the loving journey of Nyla Higgins and Killian Cohen as the couple shows us that deep love can overcome any obstacle and change lives. The Domineering Alpha’s Regrets is a beautiful werewolf romance novel that will remain etched in the memories and hearts of all those lucky enough to share it.

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The Domineering Alpha's Regrets

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Nyla Higgins’ POV:

“Nyla, grab the glass of wine and bring it over to Mr. Killian Cohen!”

Without hesitation, I nodded in agreement and delicately balanced the tray, making my way through the bustling banquet hall.

The grand hall was adorned with lavish decor, and the melodious strains of music filled the air. Yet, as a mere maid, these opulent surroundings were of little consequence to me.

Today marked the much-anticipated announcement of the heir to the Black Moon Pack, and thus, representatives from all the major packs had gathered to partake in the grand banquet.

As the largest werewolf pack, the Black Moon Pack’s heir was a matter of great importance and concern to all in attendance. All eyes were fixed on the candidate who would soon be named the next Alpha of this esteemed pack.

Our current Alpha had taken two wives and fathered two sons.

Though the elder son, Raylan Cohen, was initially the first in line to inherit the Alpha title, his younger brother, Killian Cohen, had proven himself to be more powerful and beloved by the pack. As a result, their father preferred Killian as the heir.

As a humble maid in the midst of such a grand banquet, I knew I must be meticulous and vigilant, taking care not to make even the slightest error that could mar the proceedings.

All of a sudden, a jolt to my shoulder caused the wine in the glass to quiver.

Startled by the sudden impact, I hastily lifted my hand to steady the glass, spilling a small amount of wine in the process. Thankfully, the glass remained upright, averting any further mishap.

“Can’t you watch where you’re going? Honestly, Nyla, you’re utterly useless!” The person who had bumped into me scolded me with disdain.

The other servants snickered and taunted me, but I remained composed and lowered my gaze as I passed by them.

This was a familiar scene to me, one that had repeated itself countless times since my earliest memories. Having lost my father at a young age, I toiled as a maid alongside my mother in the household of the Alpha of the Black Moon Pack.

To make matters worse, I had yet to have my own wolf, despite having reached adulthood. This provided everyone with the perfect excuse to belittle and torment me as they pleased.

Being tasked with serving wine to Killian on such a momentous occasion only served to stoke the envy and resentment of my peers toward me, intensifying their loathing and disdain.

Amidst the bustling banquet, the most striking figure present was none other than Killian, seated at a table with an air of impatience on his face.

Approaching with caution, I grabbed the glass and gingerly placed it upon his table, whispering softly, “Your wine, sir.”

Casting a fleeting glance in my direction, he let out a derisive snort before turning his attention back to the festivities.

Wishing to avoid any further interaction, I bowed my head respectfully and made a hasty departure. Killian’s reputation for his unyielding brutality was well-known, and to be honest, I was more than a little afraid of him.

In stark contrast, Killian’s brother, Raylan, was known for his kindness and compassion. In fact, I myself had received ample care and concern from him on multiple occasions.

I harbored a fervent hope that Raylan would be selected as the heir, for if he were to assume the position, my life within the Black Moon Pack would surely be far less wretched.

Nevertheless, as a lowly maid, I understood all too well that my wishes and desires held little weight or significance in the grand scheme of things. Returning the tray to its rightful place, I breathed a small sigh of relief, glad that my task had been completed without incident.

With my most crucial task of the evening now fulfilled, all I desired was to locate a quiet corner where I could rest for a spell and evade any potential confrontations with my ill-mannered colleagues.

At last, after much searching, I discovered a secluded room where I could finally allow myself a moment of respite. I sank into the cozy corner, propped my head against the cool stone wall, and let out a long, calming breath.

Without warning, a towering figure intruded upon my peaceful sanctuary, lunging toward me before I had a chance to respond.

“Who are you?” My heart pounding with terror, I writhed and fought with all my might, crying out, “Let go of me!”

Despite my efforts, the man seemed to be completely out of control. He paid no heed to my resistance, pinning me firmly to the floor with his weight. I struggled and wriggled beneath him, but it was as though he was made of stone, immovable and unyielding.

As I felt a rush of cold air against my skin, I realized that my clothes had been ripped apart by the man’s wild movements. My heart raced with fear and my body trembled in shock. I tried to push him away with all my might, but his strength was overpowering.

Despite my desperate struggle, his grip was vice-like. As I turned my head to catch a glimpse of his face, terror coursed through me, freezing the blood in my veins.

Killian… It was Killian!

What was he doing here?

My mind was a mess.

My panic-stricken voice echoed through the room as I shouted with all my might.


I believed that he was my only hope for salvation. In my heart, I prayed to the Moon Goddess, hoping that Raylan would come to my rescue once more.

“Raylan, help me…” Tears streamed down my face, and I couldn’t control my sobs.

Killian’s attitude suddenly became more hostile after my comment, but I wasn’t sure if it was directly related to what I had said.

The intense pain made it difficult for me to catch my breath.

Consumed by shame and agony, I wanted to end my life then and there.

At that moment, an indescribable sensation surged through my fragile nerves, jolting me into immediate alertness. I recognized the exhilarating feeling and knew exactly what it meant.

It was the unmistakable spark between mates.

But how could it be? How could Killian be my mate?

As the realization hit me, the weight of it seemed to crush my very soul. I was now completely under Killian’s control, with pleasure and pain intermingling until I lost all coherent thought and simply fainted.

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