The Great Doctor Welsh's Medical Romance

The Great Doctor Welsh’s Medical Romance novel PDF Download


A miraculous doctor of his generation descended the mountain with five marriage certificates, but he never expected that his first marriage would be called off…

“You think you’re worthy of my daughter, the goddess of war? Dream on!”

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The Great Doctor Welsh's Medical Romance

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A cottage stood on the peak of Hartna Mountain.

The originally peaceful atmosphere was suddenly broken by ten fighter aircrafts swooping in.


Following a loud bang, someone alighted from the fighter aircraft and actually managed to land on his feet at the peak of the mountain.

At almost the same moment, a long sword flew over and was precisely plunged right into a hard stone. Following that, a figure fell down from above and lightly landed on the handle of the sword.

“You two still enjoy your extravagant entrance.”

As the voice appeared, someone slowly walked up the mountain. He was clearly still far away, yet before he finished speaking, he was already near the other two.

“You’re not too shabby yourself!”

Creek! The door of the cottage opened and out came a young lad who was stretching.

“You guys are already so old, yet you still enjoy such childish competitions.”

The three simultaneously got down on one knee and revealed their respectful expressions.

“Sect Leader Welsh, we’re here to send you off!”

The young lad was named Brayden Welsh and he was the sect leader of the Glalim Sect, which was a secret organization with a plethora of talented members without a single ordinary person. Any one of them could shake the world with just one move.

If there were a prominent person at this scene, that person would be shaking in his boots.

Since the trio currently kneeling were the guardian of the Eastern Barelands—the Eastern Warlord, the ruler of the underworld—King of the Underworld, and the master mentioned in many legends, Christian McCarthy.

More importantly, they were now showing their respect for a young lad. Such a scene was beyond what one could imagine.

“I told you guys not to send me off, so get lost. I should start carrying out that old man’s orders.”

He then waved his hand to shoo them away. A young lad was now ordering away the three big shots, whom others respected and found difficult to meet.

Once the place was finally silent again, Brayden looked toward a small dirt pile in the distance.

“It’s only an empty grave, yet he wants me to mourn for three years. What a wicked old man. Now, I can finally leave this mountain.”

Looking at the five engagement letters in his hand, he felt resigned. I might be young, but I’m already engaged. How speechless.

“Let’s go to Deveni first. Hopefully, I can gain something there. It seems like one of the addresses from my engagement letters points there as well. Alas! Since I can’t defy that old man’s words, I’ll just check out this betrothed of mine and see if she’s worthy of me.”

The first task his master gave him was to head down the mountain after the three years of mourning and gather the True Body of the Nine Sons.

The Nine Sons of the Dragon were a famous legend. According to legend, the ancient rulers gathered all kinds of valuable materials to create the True Body of the Nine Sons, but they failed, so the Nine Sons were now scattered around the world.

One of the Nine Sons, the Wolgan, was last seen in Deveni.

Just as Brayden was about to leave, he saw a group of people ascending the mountain and one of them was an older man, who was being supported by another. He was already huffing and puffing.

However, Brayden’s attention was mostly on the beautiful woman next to the older man.

Being an attractive one, she had delicate features, attractive small lips, hair that fell down like a waterfall, and a tight-fitting white bodysuit.

“Grandpa, look. There’s a guy!”

The woman caught sight of Brayden the moment she arrived while the elder man beside her became excited.

“Please don’t mind me, young lad, but does the Great Doctor Whitlock live here?”

Brayden laughed. There’s actually someone who managed to find my master’s whereabouts. This old man should have suffered quite a lot to get here.

“Over there. There’s some grass growing on his grave.”

Looking at the dirt pile, the group was shocked. Was the renowned miracle worker Great Doctor Whitlock no longer alive?

“You’ve shown your sincerity by personally coming all the way here despite only having less than three months to live. If we meet again, I won’t mind helping you to further your life in this wonderful world.”

After saying that, Brayden left. When the elder man and his group realized what had just happened, Brayden was already gone.

“That brat! Who does he think he is? He’s so impolite.” The woman stomped her feet and turned to the elder man before complaining.

“Grandpa! Let’s go home. The Harts are the richest family in Deveni and I don’t believe we can’t cure your illness. Even if Great Doctor Whitlock is gone, there are bound to be other doctors.”

After sighing, the elder man did not say anything. If Great Doctor Whitlock was dead, it meant his fate was sealed.

Time gradually passed. Brayden was secretly smacking his lips while standing before the entrance of a residential area in Deveni, Floral Paradise.

“Who would have thought that my master had betrothed me to such a high-class family? They must be wealthy to live in this villa area.”

Striding over, Brayden did not expect to be stopped by the security guard.

“Who are you?”

“I’m going to Villa Six for—”


Brayden was interrupted by a security guard, who was looking at him with disdain.

“This isn’t some area where anyone can trespass. Why don’t you look in the mirror before you barge your way in? You better get lost before I lose my temper.”

The security guard had been eyeing Brayden for quite a while and concluded that the clothes he was wearing, plus the way he spoke were the same as those of a pauper. So, of course, the security guard barred him from entering.

After all, he was the villa area’s security guard, so he had learned to judge others based on their appearance.

He also knew who he could be rude to.

“I told you—”

Before the security guard could finish, he felt like he was hit with something and lowered his head to see a stack of cash scattered on the ground.

“Can I go inside now?”

Dumfounded, he looked at Brayden, who took out another stack of cash and smacked it on the security guard’s face.

“How about now?”

The security guard was going crazy. That had to be at least twenty thousand in cash, so he smiled flatteringly.

“Sir! I was blind to not recognize your magnificence. Please, enter. Let me get the door for you.”

While he spoke, he bent down to gather the cash. Meanwhile, Brayden did not want to be bothered by him, so he entered the villa area.

Ten minutes later, he was sitting on the couch while an elderly man sat opposite him inside the living room at Villa Six.

“So, you’re Brayden, am I right? It’s been so many years and you’ve finally appeared.”

Brayden nodded.

“You’re flattering me, sir. I can’t go against my master’s orders. By the way, where’s Miss Windell?”

The old man picked up the engagement letter, looked at it again, and spoke, “Please wait. I’ll go get her.”

Just as he grabbed his phone, the door opened and in came a woman.

Brayden looked over and was shocked.

She had facial features that looked perfectly carved and her shapely figure could not be hidden even with loose sports clothes.

The only thing that made him feel uncomfortable was her sharp gaze. It was not the kind of look that usually appeared on women.

“Grandpa! Who is he?”

Hector Windell smiled. “Ah! Stella, you’re back just in time. He’s Brayden Welsh. Do you remember the engagement I told you about?”

Frowning slightly, Stella Windell walked over, grabbed the engagement letter, and looked at Brayden.

“What’s your occupation? What merit have you achieved?”

When faced with such questions, Brayden answered accordingly, of course. “I don’t have a job. As for merits, I haven’t achieved any yet.”

After getting the answers, Stella looked at him with disdain and bent down slightly before speaking without care, “I, Stella Windell, braved through many battlefields and am dubbed the Phoenix Warlord—one of the only three female warlords in the country. How dare you, a poor man from the mountains, come here and announce that you want to marry someone of high status like me? Are you even worthy of marrying me?”

Then, she added, “Even if I’m willing to marry you, do you have the guts to do so?”

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