The Second Chance: Fatal Love And Revenge

The Second Chance: Fatal Love And Revenge by Ignace Glover PDF Download


Danielle didn’t enjoy life to the fullest before she died. After she was reborn, she realized what a fool she had been in her past life. She felt a twinge of regret as she looked at her incredibly handsome husband.

Why didn’t she notice that he was so charming before? What made her turn down such a man? She had trusted some scumbags blindly, leading to the downfall of her entire family.

Now that she had a second chance, she decided to put her beauty and intelligence to good use. She embarked on a journey to get revenge and also connect with big shots.

Never in her wildest imagination did she think she would become a big shot with multiple identities and connections.

Lines were really falling into pleasant places for her. Even the deadliest group of assassins released a memo that anyone who messed with her would not live to see the light of day.

The four greatest families that were rumored to be at odds all doted on her. And even a mysterious big clan welcomed her back home.

With a smile, the most handsome man walked to her side and put his arm around her waist. He then said, “Let me give a brief introduction. Guys, meet my beautiful wife.”

Danielle couldn’t believe her ears. What in the freaking world!

Book Review

“The Second Chance: Fatal Love And Revenge” is a riveting and deeply moving romance novel that explores the complexity and intensity of true love. This work stands out for its smooth story and impressive characters, which transport the reader into a world full of passion.

The story of “The Second Chance: Fatal Love And Revenge” centers on Danielle, who, after a series of setbacks, discovers the feeling and possibility of a great love in the man Vernon. Initially unwilling to give in to this feeling, Danielle discovers that Vernon’s love is deeper than she ever imagined, forcing her to face her own fears and insecurities.

The author builds the plot deftly, developing the relationship between Danielle and Vernon with sensitivity and realism. The authors explore themes of reborn and revenge, showing that true love can heal wounds and change lives.

“The Second Chance: Fatal Love And Revenge” is a compelling book in its handling of love and relationships with intensity and authenticity. The author makes us believe in the power of true love and confront our fears and limitations in the name of happiness.

With captivating writing and an all-encompassing story, “The Second Chance: Fatal Love And Revenge” is a must-read for anyone looking for true love. Reading makes us reflect on the importance of allowing ourselves to love and be loved, even in the face of the adversities and challenges life throws at us.

Embark on the loving journey of Danielle and Vernon as the couple shows us that deep love can overcome any obstacle and change lives. “The Second Chance: Fatal Love And Revenge” is a beautiful romance novel that will remain etched in the memories and hearts of all those lucky enough to share it.

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The Second Chance: Fatal Love And Revenge

Free Preview of “The Second Chance: Fatal Love And Revenge”

In a room on the second floor of the villa.

Heavy panting filled the air.

“Oh… Babe… She’s watching…” The woman, cheeks flushed, grabbed the man’s hand as it reached under her dress.

Hearing this, the man shot a disdainful look at Danielle Cullen, who was lying on the bed. He then turned his attention back to the woman before him and lifted her dress more restlessly, slipping his hand in. “That’s precisely what I want, for her to witness it. Plus, she’s paralyzed. What harm could she possibly do to us?”

Danielle gritted her teeth hard, and her eyes were wide open in anger.

These two despicable people were her fiancé, Wilbur Frazier, and her half-sister, Hattie Gilbert!

They had drugged her to induce paralysis, stolen her company, and were now engaging in deeds of such depravity right in front of her bed!

“Get the hell out!”

“What’s wrong with you? Danielle, really? Do you still believe you’re the esteemed Miss Cullen?” Hattie laughed but continued to grind against Wilbur, moaning uncontrollably. “You haven’t realized it yet, have you? Your grandfather suffered a cerebral hemorrhage after learning of your paralysis and died. Your uncle’s family is drowning in legal charges and can’t help themselves. Nobody will come to save you.”

At that moment, Danielle’s body shook violently. Her grandfather had always been healthy. How could he suddenly die of a cerebral hemorrhage?

And what was happening with her uncle’s family?

It must be this shameless couple behind all of this!

“Bitch!” Danielle wept in despair!

Hattie smirked and feigned a wounded expression. “Wilbur, look at her. She’s calling me a bitch… I’m so heartbroken…”

“Danielle, since you don’t know how to speak politely, I’ll make your mouth shut forever.” Wilbur caressed Hattie’s breasts and cast a disgusted glance at Danielle. Then, without warning, he grabbed the kettle from beside the bed and poured boiling water straight onto Danielle’s face!


Danielle’s face was horribly disfigured!

Grinning even wider, Hattie sneered hatefully, “Oh, I misspoke earlier. There is someone who could save you, probably Vernon Herrera. But sadly, you pissed him off and he had gone abroad.”

With envy in her eyes, Hattie continued, “What in the world about you is deserving of his love? After divorcing you, he even relinquished two-thirds of his fortune to you.”

Vernon Herrera…

Upon hearing that name, Danielle was filled with remorse, and tears streamed down her face.

She had made a mistake, not appreciating the one who truly loved her, instead trusting Wilbur and Hattie…

“We’re here to make sure you go to hell today, just in case something may happen since Mr. Herrera is returning to this country soon.” Hattie pulled an injector out of her pocket and grinned wickedly. “Danielle, with your medical expertise, you should know exactly what this is, right? After getting injected with this, you’ll experience unbearable pain, making you wish for death.”

Hattie grabbed Danielle’s wrist and injected all the medicine.

Danielle felt an excruciating pain throughout her body as if thousands of ants were biting her and a heavy hammer was hitting her brain repeatedly. What’s worse, the medicine had a stimulating effect that prevented her from passing out, leaving her to suffer through the pain until her eventual death…

Meanwhile, Wilbur and Hattie continued to laugh maniacally and made love in front of her…

As Danielle was about to lose consciousness, the roar of a car engine resounded downstairs. Seconds later, the room door was kicked open with a crash, and a tall figure hurried in, gasping for breath.

Was it… Vernon?

How could he be here after she had hurt him so deeply?

Danielle’s vision blurred, and her eyelids grew heavy. She couldn’t accept it…

“Hattie, Wilbur, in my next life… I…”

Danielle failed to finish her sentence before her death came… She screamed silently, “In my next life, I will make you suffer!”

The Second Chance: Fatal Love And Revenge novel PDF Download

The Second Chance: Fatal Love And Revenge novel is a Romance story about Danielle and Vernon, publish by MoboReader. You can read and download The Second Chance: Fatal Love And Revenge novel full story on MoboReader.

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