WHO KILLED OUR MOTHER? Novel PDF Free Hot Chapters Read Online

WHO KILLED OUR MOTHER? novel is a romance book, published in meganovel. The fascinating part of WHO KILLED OUR MOTHER? novel lies in its rich description and exciting plot. The author truly and vividly presented every scene, making me feel like an immersive situation. WHO KILLED OUR MOTHER? novel are suitable for any reader who likes deep stories.

Overview of WHO KILLED OUR MOTHER? Novel

Andrew Pace, a young software engineer who was adopted by millionaire Susan Pace at age 10, helps save her struggling company, Pace’s Software. However, at a company party celebrating the launch of a new software, Susan is brutally murdered and Andrew becomes the prime suspect. Despite being let off the hook, Andrew spirals into despair, blaming himself for Susan’s death. He hires detective Lucy Philips to help uncover the truth about his mother’s murder and eventually discovers that the real culprit was her secret son, Daniel. Andrew is kidnapped while trying to inform Lucy, but she tracks him down and arrests Daniel, clearing Andrew’s name. Ten years later, Andrew is finally acquitted and justified in court, thanks to the help of his lawyer Banks. Throughout the investigation, Andrew falls in love with Lucy but is too afraid to express his feelings.

Where to Read WHO KILLED OUR MOTHER? Novel PDF Hot Chapters Online

If you want a deep reading of WHO KILLED OUR MOTHER? novel, we are happy to help you find WHO KILLED OUR MOTHER? novel.

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  1. First of all, you can download the meganovel app from any app store.
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  3. Or, you can click here to visit the official website of WHO KILLED OUR MOTHER? novel, read WHO KILLED OUR MOTHER? novel or download app on the official website.

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